emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, quality of tourism human resources, Covid-19 pandemic. capital, trader, market developing effective network structures, supplier base reduction, longterm orientation, supplier operational performance, organization operational performance. Jika ingin mencari cara melihat harga saham yang tidak kalah praktis, maka Google adalah jawabannya. Size Transformational leadership, organizational culture, and motivation capital structure, profitability, liquidity, firm size, firm value. Keywords : Capital structure ( debt to equity ratio, debt to asset ratio, equity to assets ratio ), firm performance ( return on assets ), and stock prices.Keywords Chicken Farming, Business Efficiency, Animal Husbandry Management Contribution of Income, Household Consumption, Welfare Level Electrical Infrastructure, Roads, Health, and GDP Financial Leverage Income smoothing Leverage, Firm Size, Dividend Payout, Stock Price Volatility Organizational Culture Performance, Discipline, and Motivation Performance, Rentability, Solvency and Rentability Poverty Rate, Population, Open Unemployment Rate, Human Development Index Poverty, unemployment, HDI, and economic growth Profitability Profitability, Company size, Leverage, Timeliness of reporting Regional Economic Growth, Base Sector, Non-Basis Sector, Shift Share, Domestic Investment. The amount of R total of 0,999 means that the dependent variable (stock price) can be explained by the independent variables (debt to equity Ratio, Debt to Asset Ratio, Equity to Asset Ratio, Return on Assets)of 99,96% while 0,04% is explained by other factors not included in this study. Equity to Assets Ratio indirect is positive effect on stock prices.

The result proved that the debt to Equity Ratio is positive and significant impact on Return of Assets, Debt to Asset Ratio is positive and significant impact on the Return Assets and Equity to Assets Ratio is negative but not significant effect on Return of Assets, debt to Equity ratio is positive and significant to direct effect on stock prices, Debt to assets ratio indirect is positive effect on stock prices. Mechanical testing data uses a regression analysis, paths analysis with significant level of 5% alpha.

Sample method is a purposive sampling to 41 companies. The population in this study is a manufacturing company which is listed on the Indonesian stock exchange with the study periode of 2007 – 2009, totaling 101 companies.

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of capital structure on firm performance and stock price at a manufacturing company in Indonesia stock exchange.